



1. 機構會員


2. 個人會員


1、名譽會員(Honorary Member):傑出人事,包括本地官方的金融管理機構、本地銀行協會、銀行及相關的金融機構的主席,經理事會甄別核准後發出邀請。

2、資深會員(Fellow Member):具十年或以上之會員資歷,填妥資深會員申請表後,經理事會會議甄別及通過後核准成為資深會員。

3、專業會員(Full Member):直接從事金融市場的活動及在業內工作最少兩年的人士、或具有符合本會認可之專業資格認證證書持有人。經理事會會議甄別及通過後核准成為專業會員。

4、準會員(Associated Member):直接從事金融市場的活動及在業內工作少於兩年的人士、或其職務與金融市場有緊密聯繫的人士、或現有機構會員的僱員,填妥會員申請表後經理事會會議甄別及通過後核准加入成為準會員。

Membership Categories

Members are divided into two categories. Anyone who meets one of the following conditions and is willing to abide by the constitution of the association can apply for membership:

“Institutional Member” and “Individual Member”. Institutional members mainly include financial institutions, currency brokerage houses, companies and other institutions that participate in the treasury market. The individual members are mainly treasury market practitioners and those who intend to join the treasury market.

1. Institutional Member

Institutional members include local official financial management institutions, local banks, and banks or non-banks regulated by local official financial management institutions, or other financial institutions related to local treasury activities. After being screened and approved by the council, they can be invited to join as an institutional member.

2. Individual members

Individual members are the people mainly engaged in the treasury market related work. The scope of work includes front-line, middle-office and back-office, managers, researchers, analysts, money/currency brokers, traders, and financial data and technology related person. Individual membership is divided into four levels:

1. Honorary Member: Distinguished personnel, namely the Presidents of local official financail regulating authority, local banking association, banks and related financial institutions, may be invited by the board of directors.

2. Fellow Member: A member with ten years or more of membership qualifications and approved by the board of directors meeting.

3. Full Member: A person who is directly engaged in financial market activities and has worked in the industry for at least two years, or has a professional qualification certificate recognized by the Association. After screening and approved by the board of directors meeting to become a professional member.

4. Associated Member: People who are directly engaged in financial market activities and have worked in the industry for less than two years, or whose position is closely related to the financial market, or employees of existing institutional members. After being screened and approved by the board of directors meeting as an associate member.